
Handbook To Income Tax Rules by CA. Madhusudan Agarwal – 28th Edition 2024 (With Free e-Book Access)

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Division 1
Checklists & Tables
1Prescribed Authorities under the Income Tax Rules/Act
2Prescribed Audit Reports under the Income Tax Rules/Act
3Prescribed Reports/Certificates from an Accountant under section 288(2), Explanation
4Prescribed Applications, Notices, Declarations, Forms, etc. under the Income-tax Rules/Act
5Prescribed certificates/statements/particulars to be furnished under the Income-tax Rules/Act
6Prescribed Returns under the Income-tax Rules/Act
Division 2
Procedures, Conditions and Compliances under the Income-taxRules/Act
1.2A10(13A)What are the prescribed limits for exemption from House Rent Allowance?
2.2B10(5)What are the prescribed conditions for claiming exemption from Leave Travel Concessions?
3.2BA10(10C)What are the prescribed guidelines for claiming exemption in respect of amount received at the time of Voluntary Retirement/Separation by an employee?
4.2BB10(14)What are the prescribed allowances which are exempt from income-tax upto prescribed limits?
5.2BBA10(19)What are the circumstances and conditions for exemption under section 10(19)?
6.2BBB10(23C)What is the percentage of government grant for considering university, hospital, etc. as substantially financed by the government?
7.2BC10(23C)(iiid) and 10(23C) (iiiae)What are the prescribed monetary limits under sub-clauses (iiiad) and (iiiae) of clause (23C) of section 10?
8.2C10(23C)(iv) and 10(23C)(v)How to make an Application for the Purpose of Grant of Approval of A Fund or Trust or Institution or University or any Hospital or Other Medical Institution Under Clause (i) Or Clause (ii) or Clause (iii) or Clause (iv) of First Proviso To Section 10(23c)?
9.2DCA10(23FE)How to Compute Minimum Investment and Exempt Income for the Purpose of Section 10(23FE)
10.2DD10(23FF)How to Calculate Exempt Income of Specified Fund For the Purpose of Section 10(23FF)
11.2F10(47)What are the guidelines for setting up an infrastructure debt fund?
12.317What are the Rules for valuation of perquisites
13.3A17(2)What are the prescribed guidelines for claiming exemption of medical benefits from perquisite value in respect of medical treatment of prescribed diseases or ailments in hospitals approved by the Chief Commissioner?
14.3B17(2)(viia)How to Calculate Annual Accretion Referred to in Section 17(2)(viia) of Income Tax Act, 1961
15.4Explanation below section 23(1)What are the prescribed conditions for claiming benefit of unrealised rent?
16.5(2)32What are the rules for claiming depreciation and the prescribed conditions for claiming higher rate of depreciation?
17.5AC33ABWhat are the prescribed guidelines for report of audit of accounts to be furnished under section 33AB(2)?
18.5AD33ABAWhat are the prescribed guidelines for report of audit of accounts to be furnished under section 33ABA(2)?
19.5C35(1)(ii) &  35(1)(iii)What are the Guidelines, form and manner in respect of approval under section 35(1)(ii) and 35(1)(iii)?
20.5CA35(1)How to make intimation by a research association, university, college or other institution
21.5D35(1)(ii)What are the conditions subject to which approval is to be granted to a scientific Research association under section 35(1)(ii)?
22.5E35(1)(ii) and 35(1)(iii)What are the conditions subject to which approval is to be granted to a university, College or other institution under section 35(1)(ii) and 35(1)(iii)?
23.5F35(1)(iia)What are the guidelines and who is the prescribed authority for approval under section 35(1)(iia)?
24.5G115BBFWhich is the option Form For taxation of Income From Patent
25.635(2AA)What is the procedure for approval of programme for scientific research expenditure?
26.635(2AB)What is the procedure for approval of programme for Scientific Research Programme in case of a Company engaged in the business of manufacture or production of specified items?
27. 6AAD/
6AAE35CCCWhat are the guidelines for approval of agricultural extension project under section 35CCC
28. 6AAF/
6AAHWhat are the guidelines/conditions for approval of skill development project under section 35CCD
29.6AB35D & 35EWhat is the prescribed form of audit report for claiming deductions under sections 35D and 35E
30.6ABA36(1)(viia)What is the method for computation of aggregate average advances for the purposes of section 36(1)(viia) of Income-tax Act, 1961?
31.6ABBAWhat are the other electronic modes of payment under specified provisions of income tax act, 1961
32.6ABBB35DHow to furnish statement regarding preliminary Expenses under section 35D
33.6ABAA36(1)(viii)What are the conditions to be fulfilled by a public facility to be eligible to be notified as an infrastructure facility?
34.6DD40A(3)What are cases and circumstances in which a payment or aggregate of payments exceeding ten thousand rupees may be made to a person in a day, otherwise than by an account payee cheque drawn on a bank or account payee bank draft or use of electronic clearing system through a bank account or through such other electronic mode as prescribed in rule 6ABBA
35.6DDC and 6DDDWhat conditions a recognised association is required to fulfil to be notified as a recognised association for the purposes of clause (e) of proviso to section 43(5)
36.6E/5(c) of First ScheduleWhat are the prescribed limits of reserve for unexpired risks in case of insurance business (other than life insurance)?
37.6EB43DWhat are the categories of bad or doubtful debts in the case of a public company under section 43D(b) of Income-tax Act, 1961?
38.6F44AAWhat are the books of account and other documents to be kept and maintained u/s 44AA(3) by persons carrying on certain professions?
39.6G44ABWhat are the prescribed report of audit of accounts to be furnished under section 44AB?
40.6GA44DAWhat is the prescribed form of report of audit of accounts to be furnished under section 44DA
41.6H50BWhat is the method of computation of capital gains in case of slump sale under section 50B?
42.7 and 82(1A)How to compute income which is partially agricultural and partially from business
43.8AA2(42A)What is the method of determination of period of holding of capital assets in other cases
44. 8AB 48 How to Attribute Income taxable under section 45(4) to capital assets remaining with the
specified entity under section 48
45.8AC50How to compute short term capital gain and written down value under section 50 where depreciation on goodwill has been obtained
46.8AD45(1B)How to compute capital gain  for the purpose of section 45(1b)
47.8B2(48)What are the guidelines for notification of Zero Coupon Bonds?
48.8C36(1)(iiia)How to compute pro-rata amount of discount on a Zero Coupon Bond?
49.8D14AHow to determine amount of expenditure in relation to income not includible in total income
509180How to compute royalties or copyright fees, etc. for literary or artistic work?
51.9A37(1)How to compute deduction in respect of expenditure on production of feature films?
52.9B37(1)How to compute deduction in respect of expenditure on acquisition of distribution rights of feature films
53.9C72A(2)(iii)What are the conditions for carrying forward or set off of accumulated loss and unabsorbed depreciation allowance in case of amalgamation?
54.9D10(11), 10(12)How to calculate taxable interest relating to contribution in a provident fund or recognised provident fund exceeding specified limit
55.109 & 92How to determine the income in the case of non-residents
56.10A92FWhat is the meaning of various expressions used in computation of arm’s length price?
57.—92B & 92BAWhat is the meaning of international transaction and specified domestic transaction?
58.10B92C(2)What are the various methods for determining the arm’s length price in relation to an international transaction for the purposes of section 92C(2)
59.10AB, 10C92C(1)What is the best method for measuring arm’s length price in relation to the international transaction or a specified domestic transaction
60.10CA92C(1)How to compute Arm’s length price
61.10CB92CE(2)How to Compute Interest Income pursuant to Secondary Adjustments
62.10D92DWhat are the informations and documents to be kept by a person who has entered into an international transaction or the specified domestic transaction
63.10DA92D(1) & (4)What information and documents are to be kept and maintained and furnished under sections 92D(1) and 92D(4)
64.10DB286(1)How to Furnish Report In Respect of an International Group
65.10E92EWhat is the prescribed report from an accountant to be furnished by persons entering into international transaction or a specified domestic transaction
66. 10F, 10G, 10H,
10-I, 10J, 10K, 10L, 10M, 10N,
10P, 10Q, 10R, 10S, 10T92CC(a)What is the procedure for applying/amending/ revising advance pricing agreements
67.10TA, 10TB to 10TGSafe Harbour Rules
68.10TH, 10THA, 10THB, 10THC, 10THD92CWhat are the Safe Harbour Rules for Specified Domestic Transaction
69.10UWhat are the cases where provisions related to general anti-avoidance rules under Chapter XA of Income Tax Act, 1961 do not apply
70.10VWhat are the guidelines for application of Section 9A
71.11A80DD and 80UWhat are the prescribed conditions for the allowability of deduction u/s 80DD and 80U?
72.11AA80G(5)(vi)What are the prescribed requirements for approval of an institution or fund u/s 80G?
73.11B80GGWhat are the conditions for allowance for deduction under section 80GG?
74.11C80RRAWhat are the prescribed fields for the purposes of deduction in respect of remuneration received from foreign employers or Indian concerns u/s 80RRA?
75.11DD80DDBWhat are the specified diseases and ailments under section 80DDB
76.11EA80-IB(5)What are the guidelines for specifying industrially backward districts for the purposes of deduction u/s 80-IB(5)?
77.11F to 11-I35ACWhat are the provisions relating to composition of national committee under section 35AC?
78.11J35ACWhat are the guidelines for approval of associations and institutions?
79.11K35ACWhat are the guidelines for recommending projects or schemes
80. 11L-
11-O35ACWhat is the procedure for an approval of association or institution or for recommendation of a project or scheme by the National Committee
81.11-OA35ADWhat are the guidelines for notification of affordable housing project as specified business under section 35AD?
82.11-OB35ADWhat are the Guidelines for Notification of a Semi Conductor Wafer Fabrication Manufacturing Unit as Specified Business u/s 35AD?
83.11P115VP to 115VSWhat is the Procedure for option of tonnage tax scheme
84.11UAE50BHow to compute fair market value of  capital assets for the purpose of  section 50B of Income Tax Act
85.12139What are the prescribed forms and due dates for filing Return of Income?
86.143(1A)What is the prescribed Scheme for Processing of Return of Income
87.139(1A)What is the Scheme for Filing of Returns by Salaried Employees Through Employer?
88.12(3)139(1B), 139DWhat are the Qualifications of E-Return Intermediary
89.144CWhat is the Procedure for Filing Objection Before Dispute Resolution Panel by Eligible Assessee?
90.12AB139(1)(b)What are the conditions for furnishing return of income by persons referred to in section 139(1)(b)
91.12AC139(8A)How to file updated return of income
92.12ADHow to file modified return of income by successor entity to a business organisation
93.12B115R(3A)How the statement under section 115R(3A) is to be furnished?
94.12C115U(2)How the statement under section 115U(2) is to be furnished?
95.12CA115UA(4)How the Statement under section 115UA(4) is to be Furnished
96.12CB115UB(7)How to furnish Statement of income paid or credited by an investment fund to its unit holder
97.12CC115JTCAHow to furnish statement of income distributed by a securitisation trust to its investor
98.14142What is the prescribed form of verification under section 142?
99.14A142What is the prescribed form of audit report under section 142(2A)?
100.14B142(2A)What are the guidelines for the purposes of determining audit expenses or inventory valuation
101.15156What is prescribed form of notice of demand under section 156
102.16158AWhat is the special provision for avoiding repetitive appeals under section 158A
103.16In which form application under section 158AB to defer filing of appeal before the appellate tribunal or jurisdictional high court is to be made?
104.16B10(8A) & (8B)Who is the prescribed authority for the purposes of section 10(8A) and (8B)
105.16C10(23AAA)What are the requirements for approval of Employee’s Welfare Fund under section 10(23AAA)?
106.1711(1)How to Exercise Option under Section 10(23C)/ Section 11
107.17A12AHow to make application for registration of charitable or religious trusts, etc.
108.17AAWhat books of account and other documents are to be kept and maintained by fund or institution or trust or any university or other educational institution or any hospital or other medical institution under tenth proviso to section 10(23c)(a) or 12a(1)(b)(i)
10917C11(5)(xii)What are the prescribed forms or modes of investment or deposits by a charitable or religious trust or institution?
11017CA13BHow an electoral trust should function so that voluntary contributions received by it is not included in its total income
11117CB115TD(2)What is the method of Valuation for the Purpose of Section 155TD(2)
11217D80HHB (2)(b)(iii)What are the prescribed foreign projects for the purpose of deduction in respect of profits and gains from projects outside India under section 80HHB?
11318AAA80GWho is the prescribed authority for approval of donation made to a university or any educational institutions under section 80G(2)(a)(iiif)?
114.18AAAA80G(5C)Who is the prescribed authority for the purpose of receiving separate accounts from trusts or funds or institutions for providing relief to the victims of earthquake in Gujarat?
115.18AAAAA80G(2)(c)What are the guidelines for specifying an association or institution for the purposes of notification under section 80G(2)(c)?
116.18AB80G(5)(viii)(ix) or 35(1A)How to furnish statement of particulars and certificates under section 80G(5)(viii) and (ix) or section 35(1A)
117. 18BBB 80-I, 80-IA,
80-IB &
80-ICWhat is the prescribed form of audit report for claiming deduction under sections 80-I, 80-IA, 80-IB & 80-IC?
118.18BBC80-IB(7)(c)(iii)Who is the prescribed authority and what is the prescribed procedure for approval of hotels located in certain areas?
119.18BBE80-IAWhat is the method of computation of profit of certain activities forming integral part of a highway project for the purpose of section 80-IA(6)?
120.18C80-IA(4)(iii)Do you wish to know the eligibility criteria of operating an industrial park/special economic zone?
121.18D80-IB(8A)Who is the prescribed authority for approval of companies carrying on scientific research and development?
122.18DA80-IB(8A)What are the prescribed conditions for claiming deductions under section 80-IB(8A)?
123.18DB80-IB(14)(da) and 80-IB(7A)What are the prescribed area, facilities and amenities for multiplex theatres and  particulars of audit report for claiming deduction?
124.18DC80-IB(7)/ (14)(aa)What are the Prescribed Areas, Facilities and Amenities for convention centres and particulars of audit report for deduction under section 80-IB(7B) and 80-IB(14)(aa) of Income-tax Act, 1961?
125.18DD80-IB(11B)What are the conditions for deduction from business of operating and maintaining a hospital in a rural area under section 80-IB(11B) of Income Tax Act, 1961
126.18DE80-IDWhat is the prescribed area, minimum sitting capacity, facilities and amenities for convention centres, minimum number of convention halls in the convention centres and particulars of audit report for deduction under section 80-ID
127.19AB80JJAAWhat is the prescribed form of report for claiming deduction under section 80JJAA?
128.19AC80QQBWhat is the prescribed form of certificate to be furnished under section 80QQB?
129.19AD80RRBWho is the prescribed authority and what is the prescribed form of certificate to be furnished under section 80RRB?
130.19AE80LAWhat is the prescribed form of certificate to be furnished under section 80LA?
131.2088(2)(xvi)What are the guidelines for approval of issue of public companies under section 88(2)(xvi) of the Income-tax Act, 1961?
132.20A88(2)(xvii)What are the guidelines for approval of mutual funds under section 88(2)(xvii) of Income-tax Act, 1961
133.20AB88EWhat is the procedure for obtaining rebate in respect of securities transaction tax under section 88E of Income-tax Act, 1961?
134.21A89What are the rules for computation of Relief when salary is paid in arrears or in advance, etc.?
135.21AA89What are the particulars to be furnished for claiming relief under section 89(1)?
136.21AAAWhat are the rules for taxation of income from retirement benefit account maintained in a notified country?
137.21AB90How to obtain certificate for claiming relief under an agreement with foreign countries or specified territories and agreements between specified associations for double taxation relief
138.21AC94AWhat are the requirements related to furnishing of authorisation and maintenance of documents etc. For the purposes of section 94A
139.21AD115BA(4)How to exercise option under section 115BA(4)
140.21AE, 21AF115BAA/115 ABDo you want to exercise option under section 115BAA(5) and 115BAB(7)
141.21AG115BACHow to exercise option under section 115BAC(5)
142.21AGA115BACHow to exercise option under section 115BAC(6)
143.21AI10(4D)How to compute exempt income of specified fund for the purpose of section 10(4D)
144.21AIAWhat are the other conditions required to be fulfilled by a specified fund referred to in section 10(4d)
145.21AJ115AD(1A)Determination of income of a specified fund attributable to units held by non-residents  under sub-section (1A) of section 115AD
146.21AJA10(4D)How to compute exempt income of specified fund, attributable to the investment division of an offshore banking unit for the purpose of section 10(4D)
147.21AJAA115AD(1B)How to determine income of a specified  fund attributable to investment division of an offshore banking unit under section 115AD(1B) of income tax act, 1961
148.21AK10(4E)What are the conditions  for the purpose of section 10(4E)
149.21ALWhat are other condition to be fulfilled by original fund where a capital asset is transferred to a resultant fund being category iii alternative investment fund
150.28How to make an application for grant of certificate for deduction of income tax at any lower rates or no deduction of income tax
151.28AAHow to compute lower rate of tax deduction?
152.29BA195(2)/195(7)How to make an application for grant of certificate of determination of appropriate proportion of sum (other than salary) payable to non-resident chargeable in case of recipients
153.30, 31, 33, 37192What are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source from salary
154.30, 31, 31A, 37A193What are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source from Interest on Securities
155.30, 31, 31A and 37194AWhat are the provisions relating to  deduction of tax at source from interest other than interest on securities
156.30, 31, 31A and 37194BWhat are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source from winnings from lottery or crossword puzzle
157.30, 31, 31A and 37194BBWhat are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source from winnings from horse races
158.28, 30, 31, 31A & 37194CWhat are the provisions relating to  deduction of tax at source from payments to contractors/sub-contractors
159.30, 31, 31A & 37194DWhat are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source from insurance commission
160.30, 31, 31A194EWhat are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source for payments to non-resident sportsmen or sports association
161.30, 31, 31A and 37194EEWhat are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source from payment in respect of deposits under National Savings Scheme, etc.
162.30, 31, 31A, 37194FWhat are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source from payments on account of repurchase of units by Mutual Fund or Unit Trust of India
163.30, 31, 31A and 37194GWhat are the provisions relating to  deduction of tax at source from Commission, etc., on sale of lottery tickets
164.30, 31, 31A and 37194HWhat are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source from commission or brokerage
165.30, 31, 31A and 37194-IWhat are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source from rent payment
166.30194-IAWhat are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source on payment on transfer of immovable property other than agricultural land
167.30194-IBWhen and how to deposit tax deducted at source on payment of rent by certain individuals or Hindu Undivided Family
168.30, 31, 31A and 37194JWhat are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source from “Fees for professional or technical services”
169.30, 31, 31A & 37194KWhat are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source from “Income from Mutual Funds/ UTI”
170.30, 31, 31A & 37194LAWhat are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source on payment of compensation on acquisition of certain immovable property
171.30, 31, 31A194MHow to make payment of certain sums by certain individuals or hindu undivided family?
172.29B195How to obtain a certificate authorising receipt of interest and other sums without deduction of tax in case of non-residents
173. 29C 197A(1)/
197A(1A)How to make declaration for claiming of receipt of certain income without deduction of tax
174. 30, 31, 31A, 37A and 37BB 193, 194, 194E, 195, 196A, 196B, 196C
and 196DWhat are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source from payment to non-resident
175.30, 31, 31A and 37A196BWhat are the provisions relating to deduction of tax at source from income from units in case of offshore fund
176.30, 31, 31A and 37A196CWhat are the provisions relating to Deduction of Tax at Source on Income from foreign currency bonds or shares of Indian company
177.30, 31, 31A and 37A196DWhat are the provisions relating to Deduction of tax at Source from Income of Foreign Institutional Investors from Securities
178.29197How to obtain a certificate for no deduction of tax or deduction at lower rates from dividends
179. 31AC,
31ACA206AFurnishing of quarterly returns in respect of payment of interest to residents without tax deduction
180.37BA199How to avail credit for tax deducted at source for the purpose of section
181.37BBHow to furnish information for payment to a non-resident not being a company or to a foreign company
182.37C to 37H206CWhat are the provisions relating to Collection of Tax at Source
183.37-I206CHow to avail credit for tax collected at source
184.31AA206CQuarterly Statement of Collection of Tax under section 206C(3)
185.37CA, 37CB and 37D206CTime and mode of payment to Government account of tax collected at source under section 206C
186.37D206C(5)Certificate for collection of tax at source under section 206C(5)
187.38210What is the prescribed form of notice of demand for advance tax under section 210
188.39210What is the prescribed form for intimation of advance tax under section 210
189.40B115JBWhat is the prescribed form of report of accountant to be furnished under section 115JB(4)
190.40BB115QAWhat are the provisions related to tax on distributed income of domestic company for buy back of shares
191.42 to 44230What is the prescribed forms and certificates required to be furnished under section 230 and who is the prescribed authority for tax clearance certificates
192.41239What is the prescribed procedure for claiming refund
193.44C, 44CA & 44D245CWhat is the prescribed procedure for  application to settlement commission
194.44DAA to 44DAD
195.44E and 44F245QWhat is the prescribed procedure for application for obtaining an advance ruling
196.44FAHow to file appeal to the high court on ruling pronounced or order passed by the board for advance ruling under section 245w(1)
197.44G90 & 295(2)(h)Do you wish to invoke the mutual agreement proce-dure against a double taxation avoidance agreement
198.44GA—What is the procedure to deal with the requests for bilateral or multilateral advance pricing agreements
199.45, 46, 46A246 and 249What is the procedure for appeals to Commissioner (Appeals)
200.47253What is the prescribed form of appeal and memorandum of cross objections to appellate tribunal under section 253
201.49 to 66288Who can be Authorised Representative and what is the procedure for getting oneself registered as an authorised Income-tax Practitioner
202.67-76—Recognised Provident Funds
203.77 to 81How to make an application for recognition of a Recognised Provident Fund
204.82-94—Approved Superannuation Fund
205.95 to 97How to make an application for approval of Superannuation Fund
206.98-108—Approved Gratuity Fund
207.109 to 111How to make an application for approval of a Gratuity Fund
208.111AA55A(b)(i)What are the prescribed conditions for reference to Valuation Officer
209.111B119What is the procedure for publication and circulation of Board’s Order
210.112132What is the prescribed procedure for Search and Seizure
211.112A132(5)What is the prescribed procedure for inquiry under section 132 in Search and Seizure cases
212.112B & 112C132(5) and 132BWhat is the prescribed procedure for release of articles in Search and Seizure
213.112D132AWhat is the prescribed procedure for requisition of books of account, etc. in Search and Seizure
214.112E133BWhat is the prescribed form for furnishing information under section 133B
215.112E—Which are class or classes of cases in which assessing officer shall not be required to issue notice for assessment or reassessment of the total income for six assessment years immediately preceding the assessment year
216.113138What is the prescribed procedure for disclosure of information respecting assessees
217.114139AWhat is the prescribed procedure for Permanent Account Number
218.114A203AWhat is the prescribed procedure for Tax Deduction  and Collection Account Number
219.114AA206CAWhat is the prescribed form of application for allotment of a tax collection account number
220.114AAA139AAWhat is manner of making permanent account number inoperative
221.114AAB139ATo which class or classes, provisions of  section 139a do not apply
222.114B139A(5)(c)What are the transactions in relation to which perma-nent account number or general index register number is to be quoted for the purpose of section 139A(5)(c)?
223.114BAWhat are the transactions for the purpose of section 139a(1)(vii)
224.114BBWhat are the transactions for quoting pan or aadhaar for the purpose of section 139A(6A) and for person prescribed in explanation to section 139A
225.114CVerification of Permanent Account Number
226.114DWhat is the time and manner in which persons referred to in rule 114C(2) shall furnish the copies of Form Nos. 60 and 61
227.114DA285How to furnish annual statement by a non-resident having liaison office in India
228.114DB285AWhat documents or information are to be furnished under section 285A
229.114E285BAWhich class of persons are required to furnish annual information return and on which nature and value transactions
230. 114F, 114G/
114H/ 114-I 285A How to furnish information or documents by an Indian concern where any share of or interest in a company/entity registered or incorporated outside India derives directly or indirectly its value substanti