
English Legal System by Michael Bromby – 5th Edition 2022

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English Legal System by Michael Bromby – 5th Edition 2022

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SKU: 9788197361302 Category:


English Legal System – The Fundamentals guides you through the central principles of this core subject, using accessible language and helpful features to provide you with a clear understanding of the English legal system.

  • Each chapter opens with a bulleted outline of the main concepts and ideas
  • Key extracts are boxed and case names are highlighted to make research easy
  • “Over to you…” boxes encourage critical thinking
  • Diagrams, charts and grids break down complex legal principles
  • “Hear from the Author” boxes provide links to additional resources online
  • Each chapter closes with a summary recapping the main points
  • “Key Cases” grids provide a summary of all the key cases discussed in the chapter, and their salient points
  • Further reading tips help you to broaden your perspective
  • End of chapter questions allow you to test your knowledge
  • Covers all topics likely to be studied at undergraduate level, on Diploma in Law (CPE) programmes and ILEX