
Rajat Baijal’s & Abhishek Wadhwa: Protection of Women from Domestic Violence—Law and Practice-with Update 2021(Reprint 2023)

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Rajat Baijal’s & Abhishek Wadhwa: Protection of Women from Domestic Violence—Law and Practice-with Update 2021(Reprint 2022)

An exhaustive and analytical treatise on the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 along with the Rules thereunder. The law thoroughly explained with help of case law of High Courts and the Supreme Court on the Act and other analogous laws including commentary on section 498A IPC, along with relevant rules, notifications, allied Acts, and international conventions on the subject with author’s comments where case law is not available.


A veritable commentary which will be found useful not only by Advocates & Courts dealing with cases on the subject but also by the Litigants as “aggrieved persons” and “respondents”

Case law on the Act and allied laws noticed upto August, 2021.

Over 2200 cases referred to in the commentary.

The Act in hand being of recent origin a number of law points not covered by decided cases have been explained by the author with the help of analogous laws.

A separate Chapter on Section 498A, Indian Penal Code, 1860, dealing with cruelty to women by husband and his relatives, provided with maximum number of cases decided by the Supreme Court of India.

Allied Acts, Rules and extracts from relevant Acts given.

An exhaustive Subject Index provided at the end for ease of reference to the law point a reader is in search of.

Cases decided by the Supreme Court dealt with more elaborately. Further, no case of Supreme Court has been left out.

Conflict between cases decided by various High Courts has been specially pointed out.

The author has been a fellow at National Law University, Jodhpur whereat he pursued his research: Studies and Field Survey on Issue of Gender Sensitivity and Gender Discrimination which enabled him to have an in-depth study of the law on domestic violence.

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