
The Life Cycle of Corporate Governance by Igor Filatotchev

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The Life Cycle of Corporate Governance by Igor Filatotchev

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SKU: 9781845422141 Category:


This unique collection of new, previously unpublished papers demonstrates the importance of corporate governance throughout the different stages of the life-cycle of firms and organisations, and in particular in the crucial transitions between stages. In so doing it redresses an imbalance created by the wealth of literature and research devoted to the study of corporate governance in mature firms only. The book gives equal consideration to the monitoring and control functions of corporate governance mechanisms, and to the resource and strategic roles of governance in the decision-making process. In so doing it attempts to provide a framework through which to understand the factors that affect the balance between the possible functions of corporate governance.

It is suggested in these papers that an analysis of the firm’s governance life-cycles cannot be separated from the economic and institutional dynamics in a particular country, and as such the book reviews the role of the corporate governance life-cycle in different industrial and institutional contexts.

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Igor Filatotchev






Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd


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