
Working of the Constitution: Checks and Balances by V. Sudhish Pai – 1st Edition 2015

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Working of the Constitution: Checks and Balances by V. Sudhish Pai – 1st Edition 2015

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The book Working of the Constitution: Checks and Balances by V. Sudhish Pai covers constitutionalism, and contribution of the Supreme Court of India on constitutional issues. This meticulous work analyses the various judgments pronounced by the Supreme Court on Constitutional matters.

This painstaking work will be of invaluable assistance in presenting a true and clear picture of the law.



“Your  scholarly articles and  books are a  great contribution to  the development of Indian Constitutional law. Indeed  there are no  recent books worth mentioning on  this branch of Indian Law .There is no doubt that the present generation of lawyers and Judges will surely be benefited by your critical analysis of the judgments of the Indian Supreme Court and of the High Courts. ” – Hon’ble Mr. Justice M. Jagannadha Rao, Former Judge, Supreme Court of India, Former Chairman, Law Commission of India.

“They are very well-researched articles and I congratulate you on the effort that you have put in. I am sure these articles will be quoted in due course when the occasion arises.” – K.K. Venugopal, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India.

“The theme of your book is unique and timely. The book is obviously an outcome of deep research, analysis and assimilation of thoughts. Such original works are few in India.” – Hon’ble Mr. Justice R.C. Lahoti, Former Chief Justice of India.

“Your legal scholarship and profound ability to critically scan and examine intricate legal issues as well as Judgments of highest Court has always impressed me. Your distinctive style of writing has always enriched the content of your writings.” – Hon’ble Mr. Justice P.V. Reddy, Former Judge, Supreme Court of India and Former Chairman, Law Commission of India.

“‘for the subtle races that produce such lawyers no legal doctrine can be too refined, no legal machinery can be too elaborate.’ – Whitley Stokes

That’s praise for you too!!”- Fali S. Nariman, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India.

“… I have always admired your extraordinary academic talents and your concern for development of the constitutional ethos and principles. I remember with deep sense of gratitude your contribution in the Law Commission of Karnataka, when I was its Chairman regarding Governor’s power about according assent to the Bills passed by the Legislature. You have come out with your thesis on a very important facet of the Constitution which is not visible to the naked eye, the unseen, the checks and balances so vital to ensure smooth working of the constitution. I congratulate you for making them visible.” – Nadoja Dr Justice V.S. Malimath

I am very much impressed with your book ‘Working of the Constitution : Checks and Balances’. The book has helped me to update my knowledge of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law. It is informative, instructive and interesting. As I was reading the book, I was wondering how much of study and analysis have gone into the book to make it what it is. The book is replete with apt quotations. Congratulations! The book deserves widest possible circulation among law students, law teachers, lawyers, Judges and judicial officers…”– P.P. Rao, Senior Advocate

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V. Sudhish Pai








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