
The Oxford Handbook of Constitutional Law in Latin America by Conrado Hübner Mendes, Roberto Gargarella, and Sebastián Guidi – Edition 2022

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The Oxford Handbook of Constitutional Law in Latin America by Conrado Hübner Mendes, Roberto Gargarella, and Sebastián Guidi – Edition 2022

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Constitutional law in Latin America embodies a mosaic of national histories, political experiments, and institutional transitions. No matter how distinctive these histories and transitions might be, there are still commonalities that transcend the mere geographical contiguity of these countries.

This Handbook depicts the constitutional landscape of Latin America by shedding light on its most important differences and affinities, qualities and drawbacks, and by assessing its overall standing in the global enterprise of democratic constitutionalism. It engages with substantive and methodological conundrums of comparative constitutional law in the region, drawing meaningful comparisons between constitutional traditions. The volume is divided into two main parts. Part I focuses on exploring the constitutions for seventeen jurisdictions, offering a comprehensive country-by-country critique of the historical foundations, institutional architecture, and rights-based substantive identity of each constitution. Part II presents comparative analyses on the most controversial constitutional topics of the region, exploring central concepts in institutions and rights.

The Oxford Handbook of Constitutional Law in Latin America is an essential resource for scholars and students of comparative constitutional law, and Latin American politics and history Written by leading experts, it comprehensively examines constitutions, controversies, institutions, and constitutional rights in Latin America.

Table of Contents

Part I Constitutions
1:Argentina, Juan F. González Bertomeu
2:Bolivia, Joshua Braver
3:Brazil, Virgílio Afonso da Silva and Thomaz Pereira
4:Chile, Domingo Lovera Parmo
5:Colombia, Antonio Barreto-Rozo
6:Costa Rica, Bruce M. Wilson and Olman Rodriguez Loaiza
7:Cuba, Julio César Guanche
8:Ecuador, Daniela Salazar
9:Mexico, Francisca Pou Giménez
10:Paraguay, Daniel Mendonça y Juan Carlos Mendonça
11:Peru, Camila Gianella Malca and Ursula Baertl Espinoza
12:Uruguay, Gianella Bardazano
13:Venezuela, Ana Cristina Núñez M. and Rogelio Pérez-Perdomo
Part II Constitutional Controversies
A. Comparing Constitutions in Latin America
14:Latin American Constitutional Traditions, Roberto Gargarella
15:Participatory Constitution-Making in Latin America: Consequences for Institutional Design, Gabriel L. Negretto
16:Authoritarian Constitutionalism, Julio Ríos-Figueroa and Andrea Pozas-Loyo
17:Latin American New Constitutionalism, Javier Couso
18:Foreign Capital and Constitutions, Helena Alviar García
B. Institutions
19:Presidentialism and Hyper-Presidentialism, Marcelo Alegre and Nahuel Maisley
20:Elections, Fernando Limongi and José Cheibub
21:Courts and Judicial Independence, Matthew M.Taylor
22:Courts and Judicial Manipulation, Gretchen Helmke
23:Judicialization of Politics, Diana Kapiszewski and Katja Newman
24:Strategic Litigation and Social Change, Diana Rodriguez Franco and César Rodríguez Garavito
25:Access to Justice, Luciana Gross Cunha
26:Federalist and Unitary States, Marta Arretche
27:Local Government, Gabriela Lotta and Vanessa Elias de Oliveira
28:Constitutions and Public Policies, Rogério Arantes and Cláudio Couto
29:Constitutions and Foreign Affairs, Dawisson Belém Lopes and Mario Schettino Valente
30:Constitutions and International Law, Alejandro Chehtman
C. Rights
31:Proportionality and Balancing, Laura Clérico
32:Property and Land, Maria Paula Saffon
33:Freedom of expression, Ramiro Álvarez Ugarte
34:Privacy, Diego Werneck Arguelhes and Luiz Fernando Marrey Moncau
35:Right to Information and Transparency, Ramiro Álvarez Ugarte
36:Immigration and Citizenship, Deisy Ventura and Camila Baraldi
37:Political Participation and Democratic Innovation, Leonardo Avritzer and Cláudia Feres Faria
38:Due Process, Ángel R. Oquendo
39:Prisoners Rights, Maíra Machado
40:Equality, Octavio Luiz Motta Ferraz
41:Sex Equality, Isabel Cristina Jaramillo Sierra
42:Race Discrimination, Tanya Katerí Hernández
43:Social Rights, Daniel M. Brinks
44:The Right to Health, Alicia Ely Yamin
45:Environment, Danielle H. Rached and Conrado Hübner Mendes
46:Abortion, Agustina Ramón Michel
47:Multicultural Constitutions, Daniel Bonilla Maldonado
Part III Comparative Viewpoints
48:A View from South Africa, Jackie Dugard
49:Judicial Independence in Latin America: A View from Asia, Shylashri Shankar
50:Latin American Constitutionalism: A US Perspective, Tom Ginsburg
51:A View from Northern Europe, Siri Gloppen
52:A View from Western Europe, Michaela Hailbronner
53:Latin America: The Shifting Constitutional Continenta

Additional information




Conrado Hübner Mendes, Roberto Gargarella, and Sebastián Guidi






Oxford University Press


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