Libel and Privacy (Butterworths Common Law Series) – 6th Edition Reprint 2019


Libel and Privacy (Butterworths Common Law Series) – 6th Edition Reprint 2019

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Chapter 1.    Introduction
Part 1 – Reputation
Chapter 2.    The Law of Defamation – Introduction
Chapter 3.    The Distinction between Libel and Slander
Chapter 4.    What is Defamatory ?
Chapter 5.    Publication
Chapter 6.    Reference to the Claimant
Chapter 7.    Jurisdiction, Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
Chapter 8.    Parties
Chapter 9.    Justification
Chapter 10.  Fair Comment
Chapter 11.  Absolute Privilege
Chapter 12.  Qualified Privilege
Chapter 13.  Offer of Amends Procedure under the Defamation Act 1996
Chapter 14.  Other Defences
Chapter 15.  Remedies for Defamation
Chapter 16.  Criminal Libel
Chapter 17.  Injurious Falsehoods
Part 2 – Private Information and other Relatd Topics
18.  Introduction : Privacy and Publication
19.  Misuse of Private Information: The Reasonable Expectation of Privacy
20.  Misuse of Private Information: The Ultimate Balancing Test
21.  Remedies for Misuse of Private Information
22.  Data Protections
23.  Harrassment
24.  Copyright and Image Rights
Part 3 – Practice and Procedure
25.  Before the Action
26.  Interim Injunctions
27.  The Claim
28.  Pre-Trial Procedure
29.  Trial
30.  Costs
31.  Appeal
32.  Before the Action
33.  Interim Injuctioins
34.  The Claim
35.  Pre-Trial Procedure
36.  Trial
Part 4 – Jurisdictions
37.  Argentina to Austria
38.  Bahamas to Bulgeria
39.  Canada to Czech Republic
40.  Denmark
41.  Egypt to Estonia
42.  France
43.  Germany to Grenada
44.  Hong Kong to Hungary
45.  Iceland to Italy
46.  Jamaica to Japan
47.  Kenya
48.  Latvia to Luxembourg
49.  Malaysia to Mexico
50.  The Netherlands to Norway
51.  Pakistan to Portugal
52.  Republic of Ireland to Russian Federation
53.  Saudi Arabia to Switzerland
54.  Thailand to Turkey
55.  Ukraine to USA
Appendix 1    Statutory Materials
Appendix 2    Libel and Slander Awards Schedule
Appendix 3    Privacy Awards Schedule

Additional information




Carter-Ruck, Cameron Doley, Prof. Alastair Mullis








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